Especially for athletes in non-traditional areas, having a highlight reel is critical.
While you do not need any fancy video editing software or a pro to put the film together for you, there are some key elements you should have in putting together a highlight film. While few people are recruited solely from a recruiting video, your goal is to generate interest and to get coaches to come watch your game at a tournament.
Include your name, number, grad year, email address, position, club and club coach. Throughout the video you can have a circle around yourself or something to designate you are the player of interest.
Include quality film. It is ok to have a few clips of you being an all star against the worst team in your league, but it is usually fairly obvious when the team you’re playing against isn’t strong.
Front load your best clips. Assume most coaches are not going to watch the entire film, or will only watch the first half. Include your most athletic, dazzling plays right in the beginning of the film.
As a midfielder, include clips of both your top attack and defensive plays, as well as 50/50 balls through the midfield. If you take the draw, lead with those “Best Of” clips! Include fast break goals, caused turnovers/interceptions, exceptional clears that demonstrate your speed and anticipation through the midfield.
As a defender, include clips of: good body contact, aggressive double teams, interceptions, caused turnovers, and ground balls. Your goal is to demonstrate your aggressiveness, your ability to think and react quickly (Lax IQ), your anticipation and vision (are you seeing ball/girl? Are you going to double teams?), as well as your speed and athleticism.
As an attacker, you are trying to demonstrate your stickwork, decision making, speed and athleticism, anticipation, shooting ability, and dodging. Include clips of: 1 on 1’s, shots, assists, redefending turnovers, fast breaks, plays you created by dodging or cutting, and goals from a cut.
As a goalie, include dynamic saves, clears and interceptions.
Have generic “motivational” music in the background. Make sure to find something with appropriate words, has an appropriate subject, etc.
Keep the video under 5 minutes.